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SPA Paper Drive Announcement

Guardian Angels Central Catholic SPA to Discontinue Paper and Cardboard Collection

The Guardian Angels Central Catholic Supportive Parents Association (SPA) has made the difficult decision to discontinue its paper and cardboard collection efforts. After years of serving the community through this program, declining reimbursement along with increasing costs and challenges with transporting the materials have made it no longer sustainable for SPA’s mission of supporting the school.

“We are deeply grateful to everyone who has donated, volunteered, or supported this effort throughout the years,” said Kacie Borchers, SPA President. “This program has been an incredible testament to the generosity of our community.”

The final paper and cardboard collection will take place on Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 a.m. at the usual location on North Mill Street. After this date, SPA will shift its focus to its can collection, which will continue at the same site.

 For those looking for alternative ways to recycle paper goods, the West Point Transfer Station at 1251 E Sherman St. is an excellent option. The facility accepts paper, magazines, and cardboard, as well as plastics, tin cans, and used oil, allowing community members to recycle even more items. The transfer station is open Tuesday-Thursdays 8-5 and Saturday 8-12. 

SPA remains committed to serving the Guardian Angels Central Catholic community and appreciates your ongoing support. "We ask the community to continue supporting us by recycling cans at our site as all efforts made by our committee goes directly back to the students, teachers, and school." says Borchers.