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Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska Benefactor Information


Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska Benefactor Information


Opportunity Scholarships of Nebraska (OSN) is a state approved scholarship granting organization and a 501(c)(3) non profit that helps implement the Opportunity Scholarships Act (LB753). OSN empowers parents to choose the best educational setting for their children through awarding non-public school tuition scholarships and providing access to school options. A benefit to this program provides Guardian Angels Central Catholic scholarships at no cost to you.  

80% of contributions received by OSN with Guardian Angels Central Catholic listed as the designated school will be allocated directly to GACC families with financial need.  Nebraska taxpayers making contributions to OSN are offered a dollar-for-dollar tax credit.  Consult your tax accountant for advice.  This program ends on October 31, 2024.Click on givehope.nebrakaopportunity.org/donation to learn more.

OSN for Benefactors PDF file information