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Nebraska Opportunity Scholarship Program

Nebraska Opportunity Scholarship 

In 2023, the Nebraska State Legislature passed the Opportunity Scholarship Act (LB753), which is a scholarship tax credit program.

This transformative program enables students from lower-income families, students with special needs, students who experience bullying, students from military families, students in foster care, and students denied option enrollment by public schools to attend the private school of their choice. The Opportunity Scholarship Act gives priority to children from the lowest-income families first, along with qualifiers above, final priority to families making less than 300% of the federal Free and Reduced Lunch rate.

Your family may qualify if your child is entering kindergarten, the 9th grade, or are transferring from a public school in any grade.  Time is running out to apply during this cycle. Families can apply for this first "batch" through June 14th. If you get the application started, you have a grace period until June 30th to get it completed.  Contact Mr. Justin Wardyn, Guardian Angels Central Catholic’s OSN administrator for details.

OSN Parent Announcement (PDF FILE)